Claim Steuler

Team event marks TECRESA Tecnicas de Refractarios S.A.U. anniversary


On the 17th of February 2016, Tecresa in Spain celebrated the company‘s 30th anniversary. In May, a team-building weekend was organised for the employees to mark this special occasion, the third in the history of Tecresa.

It was a heartfelt wish of the organisers to bring together the employees from each of the subsidiaries in Asturias, Andalucía, Gallica, Cantabria and Bilbao (the headquarters) in Cangas de Onís (Asturias) in order to let them get to know each other and experience the beautiful natural surroundings of the Sella river together by kayak. All in all, it can be said that despite some initial organisational difficulties, a relaxed atmosphere prevailed among those present. All the employees felt a sense of connection, laughed and enjoyed each others company. For many, it was nice to finally get to meet the face associated with the long-familiar voice on the telephone; for others, it was about seeing old friends again. The emotional highlight of the event was the employment anniversaries of two colleagues, both of whom have been with the company for 25 years.

The weekend was unusual in two respects: it was the first time the event had been held under the umbrella of STEULER-KCH, and an important generational change had taken place beforehand. The event was without doubt an enriching experience for everyone and we owe our thanks to all those involved.
