Claim Steuler

Rubber Linings - Versatile and Safe on Steel and Concrete


All information about Steuler rubber linings can be found in the new "Rubber linings" brochure in the websites mediacenter.

Rubber linings are the first choice for optimal protection if the resistance to permeation processes has to be increased due to permanent / prolonged exposure to aggressive media.

Steuler rubber linings are used to protect steel structures and concrete parts. Containers, transport containers, pipelines, reaction towers and gas scrubbers are typical steel structures that are protected with rubber coatings. Concrete components to be lined with rubber are, for example, sewage pits and containers.

The application can be carried out under workshop conditions (workshop rubber linings) as well as at the operating site (on-site rubber linings). Steuler has developed a wide range of materials for both options, taking into account the different application conditions.

As an international full-service supplier in corrosion protection, Steuler offers a complete package of all services for rubber lining works:

• Removal of rubber and attachment of new rubber including coating

• Preparation and cleaning of the metal surfaces

• Acceptance with test certificate

• Carrying out repairs in the workshop and on-site

All information about Steuler rubber linings can be found in the new "Rubber linings" brochure, which is now available for download in the mediacenter:

Would you like more information or individual project advice? Write a short email to: surface-protection(at)
