Claim Steuler

New trade apprenticeship in the Installation Division


Steuler is offering a 2-year dual vocational training course for specialist construction workers (with a focus on tile, slab and mosaic work) in the Installation Division, which can be followed up after successfully passing the test with a qualification as a tile, slab and mosaic setter.

An idea that was first discussed at the end of 2014 is now becoming a reality at the start of the next training period on the 1st of August 2016.

What does a specialist construction worker do at Steuler and how is he/she trained?

Training during the first year takes place primarily at the Koblenz Handwerkskammer [Chamber of Trades and Crafts] alongside an introduction to industrial safety, materials science and tours of construction sites. During the training, apprentices learn how construction sites are prepared and secured, what tools, construction machinery and equipment there are, how they are handled on the construction site and what must be paid attention to when reading and creating technical drawings. Mortar and concrete mixtures, wall plaster and screed – how are the materials produced and applied? During their training, specialist construction workers apply ceiling, wall and facade coverings and cladding, perform stucco work, lay tiles, slabs and mosaic and learn much more.

This requires good manual skills, and during the first selection procedure at the training workshop in Höhr-Grenzhausen in April, four applicants managed to impress us with their aptitude and high levels of commitment. In addition to a highly dedicated co-worker who is already working with us through a contract staffing agency, two asylum-seekers from Eritrea edged out the competition. Although there are still some hurdles to be overcome here, we are pleased to be able to play an active role in helping to integrate refugees and to offer the two highly motivated young men another chance at getting an education and work. It will be interesting to see how things develop and we will give you an update in the next issue.
