Claim Steuler

An der Schwemm receives a makeover


The swimming baths was reopened on schedule in July 2016 with a handover ceremony, barely 9 months after renovation work began.

The Luxembourg swimming baths had been in operation for just ten years when it started displaying signs of massive water damage and the pools began losing water. The "Centre de Natation An der Schwemm", which operates the baths, had to take decisive action in order to prevent long-term financial ruin and resume operation as soon as possible. The Westerwald-based swimming pool builders, STEULER-KCH, who not only have a wealth of experience in new construction but in renovating run-down pools, managed to impress them during the tendering process. Even the professionals at Steuler had seldom seen baths in such desperate need of renovation after such a short period in operation. The condition of the pools suggested that the wrong waterproofing system and supplier had been chosen for the original construction.

The commissioned renovation works were comprehensive, involving a total surface area of around 1,300 m² that needed to be waterproofed, tiled and completed within a tight deadline, requiring close coordination with the other subcontractors at all times. Consultation, engineering, water systems design and on-site installation services were all provided by STEULER-KCH. A project manager and up to eight of our own installation technicians were on site to ensure that the project ran smoothly.

Joachim P. Ostrowski, Director of the Swimming Pool Construction Division at STEULER-KCH, is no fan of off-the-shelf solutions that allow no scope to incorporate the client's ideas. "We don't see swimming pool construction as a series of discrete services or merely installing materials. What our clients really value about us is that we combine materials, engineering and installation into a highly effective complete package. Providing good ideas and advice on every aspect of the project are part and parcel of our service. Our specialists have accumulated a wealth of experience in a diverse array of projects over the years, and bring it and their technical expertise into every new assignment. From exclusive private pools, upmarket thermal baths and technically sophisticated sports pools to 5-star spa resorts – our customers' requirements are as diverse as the pool landscapes around the world on which we've worked." 

The operator of the "An der Schwemm" swimming baths benefited from the creative complete solutions offered by the Westerwald-based swimming pool builders too. One of STEULER-KCH's primary tasks was to come up with a completely new concept for the design of a parent-friendly children's area. Another key aspect of the assignment was the redesign of the poolside areas. The integrated line drainage system devised by STEULER-KCH made it possible to lay large-format tiles, giving the baths a modern new look. The smaller number of joints also makes cleaning the new flooring easier. Besides the drainage channels, the newly designed poolside area also features 20 m of heated benches. STEULER-KCH was also responsible for this special feature. Everything from the initial design concept to the planning and execution was the product of the swimming pool expert's creative minds.

Besides the three pools, numerous shower areas had to be redesigned, waterproofed and tiled too. Renovation work began in November 2015 with the removal of the old fixtures and waterproofing systems and the swimming pools being dismantled back to the poured concrete shell. The 25 m-long sport pool, 100 m² non-swimmer pool and 20 m² children's pool all received a completely new lining. An existing slide with plunge pool was integrated as well as new pool attractions and an LED lighting concept.

To be absolutely sure that all the pools would remain watertight in the long run, the pool operator decided for the STEULER-Q7-System that has proven its worth in top quality swimming baths around the world for years.

From the preparation of the substrate to the finished surface, the STEULER-Q7-System is characterised by a precisely matched sequence of layers and coordinated work steps that allow leaks and other of types of damage no chance to develop. Crack-bridging properties and uniform thickness make the 7-layer system one of the most reliable solutions there is for both renovations and new constructions. Leak testing can be reliably performed without having to fill the pool with water, something that saves time and above all, money.

Thanks to its flexibility and predictable installation, the STEULER-Q7-System is especially well suited for comprehensive renovations where components need to be integrated into existing installations in order to restore the bath's contemporary appeal.

The pool experts designed and constructed special PVC drainage lines for the poolside areas. The gutters were made to measure in advance and connected to the pools during construction.

In addition to renovating the entire pool hall, the shower facilities were lined using the STEULER-Q7-System and tiled with modern tiles too.

But it takes more than the best waterproofing and reliably protecting against leaks in the long term to make baths attractive, though. The guests expect something special when they visit a baths, which is why the swimming pool builder's work didn't stop with reliable waterproofing. The final phase of the project involved laying modern, anti-slip tiles in the pools, poolside areas and shower facilities and rounding off the overall impression with an appealing colour scheme.


Interview with Gerry Schmit (Managing Director of the pool operator)

What were the special challenges during this project?

Gerry Schmit: Unser Ziel war, die Stillstandszeit unseres Bades so kurz wie möglich zu halten. Alle Gewerke waren gehalten, sich an enge Terminpläne zu halten und sich engmaschig miteinander abzustimmen. Bis auf Kleinigkeiten in den letzten Handgriffen hat das auch gut funktioniert und es uns ermöglicht, unsere Anlage bereits im Juli 2016 wieder für den Badebetrieb zu öffnen.

Why was the German swimming pool builder STEULER-KCH commissioned to renovate your baths?

Gerry Schmit: Having experienced the premature deterioration of the baths, it was clear to us that we'd been duped with false quality promises and were determined not to take any risks with the renovation. This time around, our swimming pool had to be permanently and reliably waterproofed by experts, which is why STEULER-KCH was our first choice.
