Claim Steuler

Subsidiaries Management Meeting 2017


China, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Australia. International experts from the Steuler Group, hailing from more than ten countries throughout the world, recently met in the Westerwald region to discuss the latest technologies and major international projects.

At the invitation of STEULER-KCH, around 50 guests converged to share their experience at the Subsidiaries Management Meeting. The event has long been one of the largest of its kind in the industry. Every three years, it brings together top specialists who have recognised international networking as an important success factor. This year once again, the programme was as diverse as the participants themselves: experts at the meeting exchanged views about special materials and technologies for the chemical industry, power plants and the metal and steel industry, and about shared strategic planning for the future international presence of the Steuler Group. Michael Steuler, Managing Director of Steuler Holding, sees close cooperation among all subsidiaries as a decisive competitive advantage. ‘Being able to compete in every country of the world as a full-service provider for industrial linings and equipment – from system development to development, engineering, manufacturing, project management and installation – that is what distinguishes the Steuler Group.’

In addition to lectures and workshops, participants at this year’s conference had ample opportunity for informal exchange. The supporting programme included high-speed go-cart driving and a hearty dinner in Koblenz. Lasting memories for guests from all over the world, for whom this visit to Westerwald and environs would certainly not be the last.
