Claim Steuler

Elections in the Acid Protection Industry Association (FSI)


Mahmoud Salehi (CEO of STEULER-KCH) will remain as Chairman of the FSI (Fachverband der Säureschutzindustrie) for another 4 years. The Association has now confirmed this by re-electing him.

This will be Mr Salehi's third term as Chairman of the Association.

The Fachverband der Säureschutzindustrie (FSI) is made up of renowned companies in the acid protection industry and is above all committed to the education and training of specialist workers. The Association represents the common economic and non-economic interests of the member firms with the authorities, institutions, associations, standards committees, etc. and promotes the development of design standards. It also works out technical specifications for industrial corrosion protection, offers a platform for exchanging experience and is responsible for public relations and dealing with tariff policy questions.
