Claim Steuler

Steuler is awarded "Healthy Company" certificate


Steuler is a "healthy company". This fact has now been officially confirmed with a certificate accepted by Michael Steuler at a small ceremony.

The Bronze Certificate issued by the AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland certifies that the Steuler Group, headquartered in Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany, demonstrates exemplary commitment to the health and fitness of its staff.

There were a number of areas in which Steuler impressed the Certification Committee. Within the scope of the occupational health management programme, the awareness and personal accountability of employees is being raised and management executives made more aware of the importance of paying attention to their own health and that of their staff. Regular health awareness days are being organised, which provide in-depth information and include activities to encourage participation, in order to involve employees and managers in the process. The judges considered Steuler's SIGA programme (Steuler taking action on health) to be particularly outstanding. It gives every employee the opportunity to benefit from a diverse range of offerings to promote personal health. The Steuler200 team, a project group launched in 2008 on the occasion of the company's 100th anniversary with the tagline "by employees for the employee", is responsible for the "healthy measures".

What's behind the certification?

Steuler subjected itself to the AOK Rheinland-Pfalz certification process as part of a site assessment concerning occupational health management. Companies that implement exemplary health management programmes can have themselves independently evaluated according to a standardised assessment procedure and receive a bronze, silver or gold "Healthy Company" certificate. The certification procedure involves assessing the health management policy of a company at various levels on the basis of a standardised checklist, incorporating:

• Corporate policy

• Structure of the occupational health management programme

• Workplace health promotion measures

• Employee participation

• Occupational health and safety

• Human resources, absenteeism and integration management

• Addiction prevention

• Health monitoring and reporting
